After the First Interview – Now What?

One of the most important times during the job search occurs immediately after the interview. The candidate and hiring manager have done their homework and done their best to make a good impression.
Now comes the three “C’s” of the post interview:

Courtesy – Always send a thank you note immediately. Handwritten notes are still appreciated and are increasingly rare so will stand out. An email is fine and much faster and may be more appropriate depending upon the position and the company culture.

Communicate – follow up the thank you note with an email or call to ascertain timing and honestly indicate your level of interest in continuing the process. If there is a recruiter involved, both the candidate and the hiring manager should be given quick and substantive feedback. The recruiter will facilitate the dialogue providing guidance to both client and candidate.

Calmness? – The hiring process often takes longer than either the candidate or the employer wishes. Many issues can delay the timing; decision makers may be out of town; there are often several candidates being considered; or paperwork and offer letters may need to work their way through proper channels.

In the meantime keep yourself busy – maintain your excellent professional demeanor and attitude in your current job or keep up your networking efforts if you are between positions.

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